Thumbprint Cookie Recipes
Close Add Photo Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 15 mins Total Time: 35 mins Servings: 40 Yield: 40 cookies Jump to Nutrition Facts Jump to recipe If you’re
In the Kitchen
Close Photo: Dotdash Meredith/Sarah Maiden I’m not ashamed to admit that I have a bit of an obsession when it comes to holiday cookies. Every year my baking
Cyber Monday Deals
Photo: AllRecipes The busiest weekend of the year is behind us, but if you were too busy heating up leftovers to even think about shopping, the holiday
Photo: AllRecipes While Black Friday originated with brick-and-mortar stores, Cyber Monday is a true child of the internet age. The Monday following Thanksgiving
Close Photo: ALLRECIPES / DIANA CHISTRUGA Easy to transport and even easier to enjoy, casseroles are essential during the holiday season.
Photo: AllRecipes / Tyler Roeland There are no losers in a white elephant gift exchange, but there are certainly winners. Spending $10 or less is the first
Close Photo: Dotdash Meredith Food Studios We have a lot to do this holiday season. We have cookies to make, pies to bake, hams to roast, and gingerbread
Photo: AllRecipes / Reese Herrington If you missed out on Amazon’s Black Friday deals last week, don’t worry—one of our favorite sections on the internet
Photo: AllRecipes If preparing Thanksgiving dinner this year made you realize some of your smaller kitchen tools like knives, cutting boards, and mixing
Photo: ALLRECIPES / KEVIN NORRIS For many years, Black Friday has basically been a holiday of its own. In days of yore, shopping malls would open their