Redeeming Work: A Guide to Discovering God's Calling for Your Career Paperback

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Are you feeling lost in the ever-changing world of work? As a Christian seeking to find your true calling, navigating through the perplexing and anxiety-inducing marketplace can be daunting. You might be concerned that you'll have to compromise your values in order to have a successful career. But fear not, because Redeeming Work is here to provide you with the answers you seek.

Authored by Bryan Dik, PhD, one of the world's leading psychologists specializing in vocation, this book is a labor of love born from years of research and practical strategies. With a profound devotion to helping others discover purposeful work, Dik shares his message loud and clear: as a Christian, there are endless opportunities to forge a career that aligns with God's calling for your life.

Within the pages of Redeeming Work, you will find the essential tools needed to identify these opportunities and pursue them with confidence. But that's not all - your purchase also grants you free access to PathwayU, an evidence-based online career assessment system. Take the assessment and uncover what makes you truly unique - your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences. Armed with this newfound self-awareness, you'll be able to explore career paths tailored to your unique gifts and talents, all in alignment with God's plan for your life.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and purposeful work. Say goodbye to the fear of compromising your values and hello to a career that serves God's will. Redeeming Work is your guiding light, illuminating the path towards a fulfilling and meaningful career that brings glory to God.

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